I am sure people all over the place do this anyway, but to me it was an amazing find. It was a bit fiddly working out in what order to do the grafting, how to arrange the stitches on needles and waste yarn etc, and it didn't help that I knitted it in the car on a trip to the Toowoomba Flower Festival over the weekend. Next time I might have it down pat! Now that I'm not scared of soaker knitting there will be a next time soon!
Revelation #2: I cast off the cuffs in a 7mm needle, and they still were too tight on Jess's thighs, so I *finally* decided to look up the sewn cast off technique. OMG, how easy it is, I can't believe I have wasted so much time doing a normal cast off in bigger needles. Easy Peasy and works like magic, the cuffs fit Jess beautifully now, meaning I didn't have to rip back the cuffs and add more stitches in! Love it!
And......just to see if anyone actually reads my blog lol......here is a sneak peak of the material I have made my Nappycino Upcycle Swap from....... hehehe. These are my bedsheets from when I was a little girl, I adore them.
Yay you :)